What is 10 Days?
10 Days is a prayer meeting for our whole region.
What would it look like if you took 10 Days and gave them completely to God, setting aside normal patterns of life, work, school, and entertainment? How would it look if your family, your church, and your entire city did the same?
10 Days is consecrated time, holy time, a Sabbath time. It is time for people to commune with God and discover one another in the light of His face. Simply put, life looks different during 10 Days. 10 Days is time set-apart to seek God with mourning, fasting, and repentance.
10 Days 2024 begins on the evening of October 2 and runs through the evening of October 12. It is celebrated simultaneously in cities and towns around the world on an annual basis. Over 400 locations organized to joined 10 Days in 2023 with participants joining from around the world and gatherings on all six continents.
If you would like to learn how to be involved, let us know
October 2024 Locations will be posted soon!
[ Vision ]
Our vision is to see thousands of cities simultaneously and continually seeking God’s face for 10 Days in unity and to see individuals taking time off from work, fasting food, taking #10daysoff from social media, and devoting themselves to prayer with other believers. Together, we are forming a global upper room (Acts 1-2) as an act of intercession so that entire cities and regions may come to repentance (Jonah 1-4) and be transformed.
[ Call to Action ]
10 Days is a tangible step of obedience toward the answer to Jesus’ prayer in John 17:21: “Let them be one as We [the Father and the Son] are one.” This is about seeing Jesus receive the answer to His dying wish, for the John 17 unity of His followers. “Jesus gets what He prays for!”
10 Days is a call to stop and rest in the presence of God. It includes worship, prayer, fasting, and fellowship among believers with a focus on repentance, humility, praying for God’s promises, and mourning for our sins and the state of our world.
It’s a call to take a break from what’s normal on earth so we can enter into what’s normal in heaven. Revelation chapters 4-5 describe the kind of worship that’s normal in heaven. 10 Days is a call to take vacation time from what’s normal to us, to fast from ordinary life and daily distractions in order to see what’s normal in heaven happen here on earth.
It’s rooted in the 10 “Days of Awe” between the biblical Feasts of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement. These feasts prophetically foreshadow the second coming. Therefore, 10 Days is also a time of longing for the return of Jesus Christ.